Hi. I’m the Edward S. Gould Professor of Philosophy, at Claremont McKenna College. My research concerns the History of European Philosophy, and mostly Classical German Philosophy. I teach more broadly about philosophy that is distant, historically and/or culturally.
My pages at PhilPapers : Google Scholar
I usually spend roughly May/June of each year based in Berlin, to travel for conferences and talks. Email questions to jkreines@cmc.edu.
Selected Research (see the Writing page for more)
Reason in the World: The Philosophical Appeal of Hegel's Metaphysics. Monograph. 2015. Oxford University Press.
Hegel and Spinoza, in progress, draft available.
Nothing Halfway: Post-Kantian Philosophy from System-Critique to System, and Back (in progress)
“A Theory of German Idealism: Where the PSR Turns Upside Down”. Oxford Philosophical Concepts: Principle of Sufficient Reason. Forthcoming.
“Schelling’s Critique of Hegel…” Society for German Idealism and Romanticism Review. Forthcoming.
“For a Dialectic-First Approach to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason”. Open Philosophy. 2022.
"The Reality and Priority of Immanent Teleology: Hegel”. Oxford Philosophical Concepts: Teleology 2020.
Aristotelian Priority, Metaphysical Definitions of God, and Hegel on Pure Thought as Absolute. Hegel Bulletin 41 (1):19-39 (2020)
Kant on the Laws of Nature: Restrictive Inflationism and Its Philosophical Advantages. The Monist 100(3) 2017.
Metaphysical Grounding and Kant's Things in Themselves: on Allais' Manifest Reality. European Journal of Philosophy, 24:1 2016: 253–266. [html draft]
The Idea and the Absolute Idea in Hegel's Science of Logic. in The Oxford Handbook of Hegel.
Kant on the Laws of Nature and the Limitations of our Knowledge. European Journal of Philosophy 2009 17 (4):527-558. Free final Draft.
Hegel: Metaphysics without Pre-Critical Monism. Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 57/58 2008 pp. 48-70. HTML or PDF
Between The Bounds of Experience and Divine Intuition: Kant’s Epistemic Limits and Hegel’s Ambitions. Inquiry 50:3 2007 306 - 334. Free final draft.
Hegel’s Metaphysics: Changing the Debate. Philosophy Compass. 1:5 (2006): 466-480. Free final draft.
The Inexplicability of Kant's Naturzweck: Kant on Teleology, Explanation and Biology. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 87:3 (2005): 270-311. Free final draft.
Hegel’s Critique of Pure Mechanism and the Philosophical Appeal of the Logic Project. European Journal of Philosophy 12:1 (2004): 38-74. Free final draft.
See the Research page for more